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A game-changer program based on Bob Proctor’s book, “You Were Born Rich”

Every human being has been “Born Rich;” it’s just that most people are temporarily a little short of money!

This program is a game-changer and is based on Bob Proctor’s book “You Were Born Rich”. This program will help you to bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be. Step by step, chapter by chapter, it will help you piece together the puzzle we most often refer to as “life,” so you can build a picture of prosperity in your mind, and then go on to create that prosperity in your life. Indeed, life is very much like the Rubic’s Cube because we have all the right pieces, and all the right colors, but it is a frustrating, never-ending process, trying to get them to fit together. Inevitably, it seems, there are always at least one or two pieces we have left out.

Every day, all over the world, millions of “dreamers” purchase lottery tickets, wishing for someone to fortuitously pick their names, and drop a fortune into their laps. These people never seem to understand that the real joy in life comes not from having money handed to them on a “silver platter,” but from going out and actually earning it themselves. Moreover, if the truth were known to you, you would realize that you already have the ability to achieve those things which you presently only dream about. Let this program prove to be your Alladin’s Lamp.

Come with me and enjoy a sneak preview of the journey which you are about to take. In the first chapter, “Me And Money,” we start to see what this elusive stuff called “money” actually is.

The second chapter, “How Much Is Enough,” will help you take a careful inventory of your thoughts and your true financial situation. You will discover that you should have the amount of money you need, to provide you with the things you want, and to live in the style you choose.

When this decision has been made, you will be prepared to march into chapter three, “The Image-Maker.” You will gain the awareness that your entire life is governed by images. You will begin to understand that you are, in truth, a co-creator. Make certain that you often review what your responsibility is, in your cocreative partnership.

Chapter four, “Let Go And Let God,” helps you develop a strong faith based on a deep understanding. It will assist you in freely letting go of your image, turning it over to the power within you, so that the power itself can go to work and begin to materialize in physical results, as an exact replica of your mental image.

The next chapter, “Expect An Abundance,” will prove to be a mind-expanding experience. The word “expectation” will take on a brand new meaning for you and you will witness the awesome power invoked by this mind-set.

The Law Of Vibration And Attraction,” clears up many question marks that have been in our minds for years. It becomes evident why some people keep attracting what they do not want, while others attract exactly what they do want. You will learn how to magnetize yourself to the good that you desire.

The Risk-Takers” chapter clearly explains that there is absolutely no compensation for playing it safe. It is essential that you first step out, before you can begin to move toward the destination you have chosen for yourself. “The Razor’s Edge” chapter clearly illustrates this point.

As you come around the final turn on your road to achievement, you will be cautioned not to look back. The “Don’t Think In Reverse” chapter will quickly clear up the question of why some people keep getting the same results, year after year.

As we go racing down the home stretch, “The Vacuum Law Of Prosperity” shows us how to open all of the doors, that will enable the good that we seek to come to us from all sides. This is not only a rewarding law, but a truly enjoyable one for you to learn.

It will help pull all of the other ideas together, to complete your picture and get you to your desired destination safely and on schedule. It is only understanding and application of the right ideas that will produce the results you desire. Think about each idea very closely. They are all simple and easy to understand, but you must act on them.

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy every step of your journey into a truly new way of living.

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